
Training: Compassionately Talking About Abortion

and language around the abortion issue. When we embrace a grace-centered approach, we become safe for women facing unintended pregnancy, create communities where both women and children can thrive, and women who have experienced abortion can heal.

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Walk 2023

Walk 2023 is an easy, family-friendly 2 mile walk (you can run, bike, skate, or push strollers if you want!) and takes on average 30 minutes. It is being held on September 23rd at Franconia Community Park. Free breakfast at 9am, walk begins at 10am. Our annual Walk helps raise awareness of the Clinic in area churches and

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Coffee and Crafts at the Clinic

This girl’s night out is perfect for a group of friends, a women’s church group, or pretty much any group of women that want to come together to stand with our hurting sisters in our community. This is NOT a night that you’ll be asked for money, simply an opportunity to learn more about the ministry of the clinic in a hands-on way.

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Baby Bottle Boomerang

What is Baby Bottle Boomerang? Baby Bottle Boomerang (BBB) is a fundraising campaign that allows individuals to give directly to North Care Women’s Clinic by filling empty baby bottles full of coins, cash, or checks and then returning them to the clinic. Bottles are distributed on a Sunday of your choice and collected one month later.

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Abortion Healing Group

 Surrendering the Secret is an eight week healing group where women find strength and hope to move forward after abortion. The group offers freedom in a supportive community where women can honestly and confidentially share their stories with other women and deal with their pain in a healthy way.

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